jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Interview to Daniel Kajmakoski - Macedonia 2015

''infinite Love is the only truth in this world, everything else is just an illusion!''

1. Tell us about your beginnings in music, what should Latin America know about Daniel Kajmakoski?

Daniel: When it comes to my begginings in music, there is a stroy that my mom wants to tell very often! She says that that the moment I was born, she told to the nurses that this baby will be called Daniel, and he will be a singer! Precognition or something else, who knows, but as far as I remember I can tell that my dad's instruments were also my toys, at first I used to play with them, now i'm playing on them... :)

2. What motivated you to submit your proposal to Skopje Fest?

Daniel: As a matter of fact, I was  invited to take part on Skopski Festival. The possibility to represent Macedonia in Vienna made me feel very optimistic and energized. I am a very big fan of Eurovision it was always one of my dreams to preform on that huge stage infront of so many people..  I decided to listen to that feeling! and of course I did not want to miss the chance to represent Macedonia in the country i grown up.

3. What were your thoughts once you won the national final of Macedonia for Eurovision 2015?

Daniel: I was telling my self " Ok Daniel, this means you have the support, now it's the time to give something back to your supporters" This is the thought that goes thru my mind all the time, since the moment I won Skopski Festival, I feel like a boomerang now hahaha I left Vienna  to be part of the X Factor Adria and after I won the competition, I won Skopje Fest and now, I am going back to Vienna for Eurovision hehehe, this is such a unbeliveble story, I really feel like Alice in Wonderland and if this is just a dream please, don’t wake me up ok ?? just let me sleep hehehe

4. What can you tell of 'Esenski Lisja'? , the song wich you won the Macedonian festival.

5. Your country was the first to present its proposal for ESC 2015, what ‘s next for your delegation, you have a lot of time to prepare staging before traveling to Austria?

Daniel: At this moment we work on the new arrangment of the song! At Skopje festival, we were limited by the orchestra now, we want to try and add a different dimensión to this song, will see what happens very soon! :)

6. Do you have in mind to sing in english or it is a fact that you will sing completely in Macedonian?

Daniel: There is still time to make the final decision but with each day passed i'm thinking about singing in English  more and more...

7. What has to offer Daniel as an artist to his country in Eurovision 2015?

Daniel: Uniqueness... I believe that we live in a world where majority of the population have forgotten that we are all unique in some way... the shortcut in finding your uniqness is to follow your heart.

8. Eurovision is a festival that passionates to many Latinos, were you aware of this? What do you think of the impact that the festival have in such a faraway continent?

Daniel: Except for the music, I don't know very much about Latin America, and it really amazes me that Eurovision is  popular in these countries. I don't know what is the impact that this festival has on this continent, but I'm sure that a good song will be recognized in every part of this world.

9. Would you like to bring your music to Latin America?

Daniel: Of course, i'm looking forward in doing that! 

Thank you to Daniel for his time, we hope the best for you and Macedonia!

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